About the author

Peter Allen is a budding cartoonist with too many ideas and not enough outlets for them. His interest in the Japanese manga/anime style began in his youth with "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" and the Pokemon craze, and eventually led to Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Neon Genesis Evangelion and the Gundam metaverse. Entirely self-taught, he learned to draw through such books as the How to Draw Manga series by Graphic-Sha.

In addition to writing and drawing Frontier: 2170, he enjoys playing roleplaying games (especially World of Darkness, Silhouette and d6 Star Wars), computer games (a real fan of Homeworld 2, Escape Velocity: Nova, StarCraft, Aliens vs. Predator 2 and Oni), tabletop miniatures games (plays Wood Elves in Warhammer, Imperial Guard in Warhammer 40K, Eldar in Battlefleet Gothic and has grand designs of constructing a Dark Eldar 40K army and a Clan Escher gang for Necromunda), writing prose and 40K fan fiction, reading (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Silmarillion and 2010: Odyssey Two are among his favorites), acting (he was a presence on stage in high school), songwriting (mostly in Japanese), playing foreign board games (Puerto Rico, Power Grid and Settlers of Catan are among his favorites) and building things with legos (best creative outlet ever devised by man).

Mr. Allen's DeviantArt: http://kireikasumi.deviantart.com/